Friday, January 20, 2012

Is it mandatory for each company to pay dividends to its shareholders?

Many companies do not pay dividends despite earnings.The Board of Directors decide the dividend policy depending upon the earnings, the growth objectives, the funded debt reduction policy and much depends upon the presentation by the operating officer of the company.You determine if the dividends are to be reinvested or paid directly to you. Can't tell you how to evade taxes because when you are caught, I don't want to be an accessory to your fraud.

Does anyone else drink pepto bismol as a regular drink?

its amazing and i think it has an alchohol content if your into drinking. only problem is you cant order it anywhere.

Do you consider mulatto an offensive term?

yes it offensive. And i know im immature for this but LMAO a horse and donkey can have ? Cant really picture that.

Are Microsoft bothered about Rapid Fire controllers?

I recently purchased a Wildfire 2 Rapid Fire controller, but I heard from my friends that using it a lot might ban my Xbox account, but I don't know if it's true or they're just lying to me.

I have to take a colonoscopy,is it going to hurt will I be ok?

And why does the doctor have to go through my but,I told him to get a longer tube and go through my mouth to get to the whatever in my he is looking for he just seemed to be annoyed but I'm scared I tried 1time and I felt the veins popping out my forehead and I screamed for my mother,so I don't like people to go back there.Why does he have to go through my I'm scared.

Rolling Stones Top 100 Guitarist (your top 10)?

Awesome list but slash didn't make it and he should be in top 100 -

It is not surprising that atheists do not understand eternal life.?

It is interesting that your speculations come up with your conclusions. You are not a Christian, so what are you religiously?

Taking my "future" girl friend to the "NEW" Yankee stadium good date?

Im huge Yankees fan Im 14 years old and my dad has 4 season tix in the bleacher section. Well he said he might let me and 3 other friends go alone. I was think about taking a girl and my friends Joe and his date to the game. Well this is when the season opens of course cause baseball season is not here yet. I dont know any girls who like baseball but its the first season of the new stadium. a historic event. My friend Joe and i have the same names so it might get confusing. lol But you think any girl would like it?

Bearded dragon?

Okay, I am a new owner of a baby bearded dragon. I have the cage all set up like I have read about on the net with the temps uv light and the heat lamp. I was wondering at night, do I turn on the 75 w night glo exo terra (shines dim purple) light, or is that not needed. On one website I read that it is not needed and that it will actully keep the bearded dragon up at night. Also last night which was his 1st night home, as soon as I shut the light off, he crawled down and went to sleep in a corner... tonight, at the same time, I shut the lights off and he is still sitting at the top on his he is basking. Will he come down to go to sleep, or should I turn the lights back on and wait a while untill he gets sleepy? Also yesterday, being his 1st day home, he ate 5 crickets, and today, he wouldnt eat any.... do you think I should try 1st thing in the morning? Thanks for any advise.

My mom is incredibly controlling, how do i deal with it?

I truly believe , your Mom has your best interest at heart.... everything she's doing, is to make you a better person and woman .. she doesn't want you to go thru things she went thru.... Mother knows best

What is my piano worth?

My piano was purchased 1978 at Evan's Music Center in Houston. It has the number 7389 stamped in an opening through the back plate. It is an upright piano and has a gold plate above the keys that says GRAND. I am looking to sell it and need to know what it is worth. I cannot find it anywhere online and would prefer not to get it appraised. Does anyone have any knowledge of this type of piano?

The Hills...Who is Kristin?

Ok so I never watched Laguna Beach. Who is Kristin and what's her story? Oh, and is Lauren really leaving? I don't wanna watch the show without her!

How do i deal with my sister who wont help pay her share of the rent?

i live in a hotel next to were my dad and sister and her 5 year old terror live .and my dad is having to pay for his own room plus my sisters room and now she has a boyfriend who is staying in the room with her. my dad is having 2 pay 4 her ,her kid,and her boyfriend plus his own room,and they wont help pay a dime, she said her bf get 14.00 an hour catering but i thinks its a lie. and if thats the case why arent they helping my dad.she thinks just cause she gets 300 a month means she dont have to pay rent. my dad is gonna forfeit his room monday or tuesday, cause he cant pay for everyone anymore. now im moving my dad into our hotel room with me and my boyfriend till he can find a place. my sister has been cold shouldering me and now this is happening. she thinks everything is a competition, and thinks everyone is jelouse of her looks.she always talks about her past when she was a pole dancer. and talks about doing it again under the table. she is 37 acting like 15. and my dad(our dad) is 65, and im 18.i dont know what to do to her. shes convinced she cant get a job because she has lime desease and is on food stamps and taniff. and now she has a boyfriend. she accuses me of things that go wrong and says i dont care about our dad. but really i dont think she does. i need to know what i could do or say to her to wake her up any suggestions?

Question for those with Crohns Disease?

Okay, so I have been diagnosed with Crohns Disease and we are waiting for a second opinion from Boston now. I have been put on Prednisone and Asacol for now. First question- Will the Prednisone put weight on me and how much, how fast? Second- The Asacol has some serious side effects also including hair loss, has anyone taking this and lost any hair? If I start losing hair they had better get me something else, already lost my hair once due to chemo, not going through that again. Anyone with Crohns have any other info for me about the disease or medications?

How was the first computer GUI made?

was the first computer GUI made without any proper developing tools? For example in today's life we have software clients now that let us GUI develop so please answer I'm begging for a rightful answer to this

A Couple ?'s about the Playstation 3?

Definitely get Rock Band, try to find the bundle it's the best deal. You won't want Guitar Hero 3 after playing Rock Band. I'd also look into Resistance, asin's Creed and Unchartered.

Why The Irrational Illegal Immigrant Hate?

Jealousy, thats all it is. People want a reason to blame others for what they don't have. People always complain about how they don't pay taxes but personally I know a lot of Illegal Hispanics that do pay taxes and use their own names. And as far as crossing the border with out proper doentation, why don't people understand how hard it is and how much it cost to become an american citizen. Its not always an option when you have a family to feed and no money. They come here so they can help their families and really how can you be mad at them for that. There will always be people that are against illegals Immigrants and no matter what the immigrants do, they will only come up with another reason. I have personally experience..

Pregnancy Superstitions?

My firends just got pregnant and she took 7 at home tests and told everyone after only taking those at home tests. This was a little over a week ago. She just made her doc. app. isnt it bad luck to tell before a certain part of your prenancy? I tried to explain to her not to spread the news to everyone b4 the doctor visit cause what if its a false alarm. How long should you wait to tell people???? Expecially people that really want you to get pregnant (Her in-laws)

Chocolate Cake : What should i do ?

It's alright, it's alright- just calm down. We can work through this. Here, take my hand and take a few deep breaths. Say this out loud: "I don't need it. I don't need it!" I know it's bullshit, but c'mon, you have to try. "I don't need it. I don't need it!" You can do this.

What kind of kid were you?

I was often in- trouble for saying things I shouldn't have and I always stood up for the underdog. Got into some scraps for being called pippi, carrot top, brick head, freckle face, etc. I was also in turn a kind kid.

Should raw ginger have broken my garlic-press?

You were probably unlucky because if you place it so that the grain is pointing downwards it probably would have worked eventually. If you try it across the grain, you'll have no chance.

Does he like?I really like him?

Okay so this guy in my math cl his name is wyatt,he always looks at me and he talks and sings to me.He wanted to work together with me and we talked about music/hunting ect. He always helps me with my math and gets stuff for me.I really like him and when ever me and my friend talk/work together he gets so jealous cause my friend is a guy.Also today in math we were working on something and we were supposed to work independently and wyatt asked me to help him and we were having fun and he was doing half the work and i did half the work.He also always plays with his hair when im around him,and he doesnt do that when hes not around me.Does he like me?

Can some one please help me out?

i can't find any real info. What was frederick dougl' heroic jourey? fromthe call from adventure to return threshhold.

What to do in honolulu?

you definitely wanna check out kailua beach. theres a local company that does tours, lessons, etc. called endless adventuress hawaii. they even offer free shuttle rides to/from your hotel if you book with them. not a bad deal at all since it's a 30 min drive from waikiki.

Should I F@%k him over for everything he's done to me?

I have been in a 13 year relationship with my boyfriend & we have 3 kids together. Eric has always been abusive & has pretty much done whatever he's wanted throughout our relationship. He's gone to jail a few times & i've always stood by him & tried to make him better. Well recently he's started abusing me in fron of our kids (today, yesterday & friday) & I can't take it any more nor do I want to. I am afraid to call the police because I don't want them to take my kids away since they've seen the abuse. I am going down to the welfare office tomorrow (i am a stay at home mom & he's the sole provider) to see what kind of help I can get. I know I have to leave but I am scared & I know when I do I have to take everything in one swoop because he's going to flip. He left after hitting me 5 times in the head today but I know he'll be back. Also recently he has not come home 3 out of the 5 nights this week. I think he's cheating but he swears he's not (not that it really matters at this point but I would still like to know) Also our cell phones are in my name so I looked online at our activity & he's been watching on his phone, I am super grossed out by this & it really bothers me. Well there's lots of story in between but that's the jist of it. He's currently on probation & I wanna call his probation officer & tell him all he's been up to, should I or should I just leave it alone get all the money I can out of him & make a break? Please help!!!!!!!!

What is typical sentence in Ohio for 2911.12(A)(3) Burglary 3rd degree felony?

2911.12(A)(3) Burglary felony of 3rd degree w/ a previous crime of 2925.11(a)-01 Aggravated possession of drugs, felony of the 5th degree (was convicted). Also, have been at large since October 2008 for the burglary. Any info or ideas on what punishment should be expected would be great. Thank you!

Creationists: What are your thoughts on human and chimp DNA similarities?

They'd never admit it, but if you make God a bit stupid you could just accuse him of sloppy workmanship.

MTG MultiColoured Standard?

Hey it looks pretty solid to me. I would take those signets out of there though. In my own personal experience they don't really contribute anything. I think your lands will be good enough. Overall i think you got yourself a tourney worthy deck. If you're keeping it type 2 then i would throw in a couple of pongify's at least on the sideboard to keep big creatures out of your opponents control.

I have acne had it since I was a teenager and now have it as an adult what can I use for it, it is really bad?

I've tried over the counter stuff like oxy, pills, creams, and more and they do not work they just make it worse.

Can someone help me translate this Latin paragraph?

Arion was a very popular Greek poet, whose fame was spread all over the world. He went to Italy and Sicily from his homeland and made many towns happy through his poems. Barbaric peoples gave him presents. He was happier than lots of kings. Wild animal were delighted with his poems; they stayed there for many nights and listened to him with joy. Came the winter and Arion sailed to his homeland. But the sea was (tutius?) than the ship, and in fact the sailors attacked him with their swords. He escaped them and saved himself (jumping) in the water. But Arion, where he was, sang an extremely sad and wonderful poem. A dolphin, which had heard that poem, saved the poet and took him to his homeland.

When KYLE MILLS does it,its a mistake, when DHONI does it,its cheating ?

SEHWAG was given out in 2nd ODI, though he didnt nicked it../..where were all the ppl who are now critisizing Dhoni ? ONE EYE FOR YOU, ONE EYE FOR US ?

What type of girl would you say I am and WHY?

Please be nice and remember to say why. Thanks! My fave colors are light purple and earthy brown. I love almost all types of music especially indie and pop music. I shop at Nordstrom and Old Navy. I dress in long sleeve shirts, hoodies, messenger bags, silver and pearl earrings, coats, jeans, boots, cords, t-shirts, jackets, hats, and belts. I wear dresses and heels when I go to church. I have long light brown hair with honey highlights. People say I'm shy, kind, quiet, calm, and slightly insightful. I don't know if it's true but what I DO know is that I'm very religious and that for some reason people usually ask me for advice. My hobbies are shopping, listening to music, helping my mom around the house, and going to church.



Reading the green?

my speed is great. But i can't seem to read the green. I can't tell when it'll break. i always bend down and walk the whole line before i putt, but it's really hard for me to read the greens

Why do young women routinely have to respond?

To questions about women with the always mindless statement "Not all women are like that"....I see this constantly where a person ask a question directed at women. The questioner never includes words like "always or all". And yet a third of the female respondents start off their responses with "Not all women are like that". Makes me think of Forest Gump; stupid is as stupid does.

Who was Laurie Halse Anderson?

Laurie Halse (rhymes with "waltz")[1] Anderson (born October 23, 1961) is a U.S. author who writes for children and young adults. She is best known for her young adult novel Speak which won a number of awards, including a National Book Award nomination[2] and Printz Honor Book[3], and was adapted for the small screen[4]. Her novel Prom was a New York Times bestseller. She has recently released a new novel, Twisted (2007), which stayed on the New York Times Best Seller List for five weeks. Anderson resides in Mexico, NY with her husband, Scot Larrabee.

Do I Need to Re-Sight In My Rifle?

Any time you change bullets, you should rezero your rifle. Even if the bullets list identical ballistics. There will always be some differerance in the impact point of each bullet, some more,some less. Some guns like some bullets better then others, and will shoot their best groups when using that particular bullet.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

What to wear to church????

Truly God doesn't care what you are wearing. It's not a fashion show. You are there to pray and worship. It's not a social event. Wear something modest but stylish. Cover your arms to the elbow and your legs to the knees. Modesty is always appropriate. Vanity is not.

You ever been mad enough to?

chew up a barb wire fence and spit out 10 penny nails? I just looked outside and I got a damn flat tire...grrrr

Do you believe in war?

I feel that mankind is inherently evil. We are fallen sinful beings who look out for ourselves only. This creates tensions when our ambitions and desires don't coincide with others. Thus we fight. When we have large groups siding with one another, we war. Wars have been going on since the beginning of mankind. But do you think they will ever cease to exist? and WHY?

10 points for best answer!!?

ok so im dating this aquarius guy and lately hes been acting really distant and aloof...ive read somewhere that aquarians are known to be aloof and distant because they want their it true the more the aquarius guy is into you, the more distant he is?? i dont get it because he told me things like "hes starting to really like me" and that "he misses me when he doesnt see me" yet hasnt been calling i am very confused right now...i feel like hes giving me the cold shoulder now...also what can i do to make this aquairus guy come back to me bc i really like him?? please dont answer saying "you cant make someone come back to you"...yes i know that but theres gotta be some tips and tricks to make the aqua dude come back to please aquarius people or anyone who has had an experience with an aquarius please answer my question...please dont copy and paste off a web site...10 points for best answer!! thank you!!

What are the hard to get subway scrabble letters?

I'm just wondering what the "rare" letters are for this years subway scrabble game. So far I have an H, O and U

What would you change about this gaming style pc?

I'll help you I build custom PCs all the time but it's easier to do in real time so if you want you can message me on yahoo and I'll help you put one together my yahoo name is jim_crackz

Living together question? What did he mean?

maybe he was thinking you didn't want to live with him so hes thinkin screw it ill just try to live close to her?

Period after depo shot.?

well to start off i got my depo shot in june of last year and i only took one shot due to many troubles towards my heath. So since i took the shot i hade my period the whole first mounth and half of the second mouth after getting the shot. then i didnt get my period till end of jan. it was only for a week the i havent agin since then i dont know what to do or even if its natural for dealing with the depo. u see i dont have and health insurance no money to go see a doctor i was wondering if anyone can help me. thanks.

I have an old fashioned singer sewing machine and im trying to make a dress for prom?

do i need a high tech sewing machine to make a dress? im sick of my friends saying to me, 'if i was you i wouldnt make a dress because its very difficult' im beginning to find it patronising, i just really want to undertake a challenge. so does anyone have a singer sewing machine? it would really help me out if you could fill me in on to what extent the sewing machine can make a nice looking dress

Boundaries of Father/Daughter Teen Relationship?

What you are describing is totally inappropriate behaviour, so I wouldn't feel at all guilty at telling him to stop. Say to him that you're not a child anymore, and he needs to see you as a woman, and stop touching you. You are doubting yourself because you were abused when you were younger, so you think you're over-reacting. You're not over-reacting, he is really overstepping any normal boundaries. I bet he doesn't do these things in public, because he does know he shouldn't. It sounds creepy to me, but I'm uming you know him well enough to be sure his motives aren't as perverse as they sound. Tell him to stop it, anyway.

When the dfa will lift the travel ban in bahrain?

When the dfa will lift the travel ban in bahrain? Bahrain will be back to normal at june 1. I want to apply for visit visa because my two sisters are working there and I want to visit them. Because my older sister will give birth to her baby so she need me urgently

Acne help!!!! Im using Clinique acne solutions is there anything better?

Im 14 and have moderate acne. I use clinique acne solution every morning and every night. Most of my acne is on my forehead and I have one pimple under my chin. I really want my skin to look allot more healthy. You can also see my pores near my nose. I do wear foundation, bare minerals light, but not every day like 3 or 4 times a week. I exfoliate with st. ives fresh skin. For spot treatment I use acne free blackhead and acne terminator. And when ever i take a shower (every morning) I use clean and clear continuous control acne cleanser. Is their anything that is better or anything I can do to help my skin look healthier?!?! please help me!!! thank you SO much! ps. I don't really ever touch my face.

How long will it take truffles to 'firm'?

I'm making this a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a recipe. Well I made it around 6ish and I don't think they're quite firm yet but I've never made truffles so I don't really know what they should be like.

Need advice on past he being subliminal, playing games, or just fake?

Was in an relationship for an total of about four months,during the relationship my ex-boyfriend had purchased a necklace for me from a certain jewelry store that I will just call "M's" jewelers...although there's more to the story & cause due to break-up....but we broke up,& after the break-up I returned the necklace,the break-up had also been just a month & a half before. So I got an call out of the blue one day but I didn't answer it because it was an unrecognized number, called number back 10 minutes later, & a man answered saying "hello,M's jewelers may I help you"? I asked the man if someone had called from this number,I then asked what place of business was this again just making sure on my end who & what place of business was calling he named the jewelers again being "M's" jewelers,I also knew that that had sounded familiar,so then I hung up. Right after I hung up I thought that sounded familiar so I started going through a box of old stuff from my ex & found the bag to the gift(necklace) he bought from that jewelry place,which was "M's" jewelers. So I called "M's" jewelers right back & it was a lady this time,I asked her which location this "M's" jewelers was at,she said katy area within a certain mall she named,so with naming the mall & the exact location,those were 2 red flags right off for me being that my ex-boyfriend lived in that certain surrounding area & was the only mall in his area. Also,that I am way off & out of the way of that area. So,next day I headed to that "M's" jewelers to further "investigate" due to my own curiosity & ask an employee questions of who,& why would a employee be calling from their location. The store ociate that I got help from I mentioned that I had gotten a gift from someone from one of their stores months back & thought it was odd to why I would be getting a call from them,she asked the name of the person & looked him up within their computer,she pulled up all info. on the exact item he had purchased for me,& and his personal phone number(which I confirmed on the spot),also letting me know that that was the same location the item had been purchased a months before. The ociate also adding & letting me know there would be no reason for them to be calling me since his number was the only contact they had listed & none other,she also mentioned that they would also have left a message if they called,I told her no messages were left on my phone. I asked her if they let costumers use their in store phones,she said that it wasn't allowed. So in the end the store ociate let me know that they had no number on file but for him & none other (my ex),they would have left message even if they had called. So Im left with those clues to what seems as if way to many coincidences. My ex-boyfriend lives in that exact area,the mall that the "M's" jewelry store is the only mall within his area & I specifically was told by him at one time,that that certain mall was nearest mall to his area,that was the same location the item was bought at (even though "M's" jewelers has more locations),they don't allow costumers to use phones,they would have left message if calling,she knew of the exact item & pulled him up within their computer data base. So I do not know what to think...but I am many coincidences.

How do you shock tulip bulbs for winter indoor blooming?

place them in refrigerator for 3 weeks this will cause them to go dormant don't feed them prior to refrigerating them though. remove them and plant them in soil as you would out doors and place in a warm sunny location.

Why are "people of book" so easily decieved?

"People of book" are catholics-catechism,muslims-koran,commun… manifesto & other communist literature,feminists-teachings that say women require equality with men in all areas of life irrespective of the fact that weather they deserve it or not,teachings that promote gender role reversal,ual immorality and societial degeneration.These 4 groups can be called as "people of book" since they follow bluntly what is taught to them without any guidance of truth,reality and discernment(Jesus).

Denon 1910 + Polk RM705 + Polk M10?

I would think that the Polk RM 6751 would be a better match or the R150, a lot depends on your room size and configuration, I would just experiment and see what sounds right to you... just guessing right left front might be good cause those speakers are larger and can handle more power...a lot depend on how well they interface with your center channel...

My Brake lights work, but when i turn my lights on in my 95 sable, my taillights don't turn on, what's wrong?

My headlights work, my blinkers work, my brake lights work, but my tail lights (driving at night lights) do not turn on when I turn my lights on, can anyone tell me what might be the problem....I drive a 1995 Mercury Sable.

How can a get a great paying job with a dom.violence misdemeanor?

Well, im 24, a couple years ago my wife an i got into it and i hit her with my hand,(then she broke my nose-i dont blame her) i went to jail, and got convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence,nov. 2006. even though she droped the charges, thank you texas, (i know , its my fault) and basicaly its really mesd up my career. a year later i got out the army cause my contract ended, so here i am 24,a iraqi vet, 6 years in the army, were hapily maried(went to councelin also) my mortgage is approved, and our first child will be born next month. its hard as hell for me to get a real job. id just like to know where i stand at in the corporate world. i finaly found a good job but it only pays 20 grand a year. so even if i get a degree in education to be a teacher (then go into admin) or if i get a masters in pharmacy will they even hire me cause i got the domestic violence on my record?

Newest Poem... help me improve it please yahoo :)?

Yeah,fine,but am I the only one that thinks it reads like it was written by Dammer or Bundy.I suppose necrophilia is a subject as much as anything.Maybe I just didn't get it.

Tattoo on the side of my foot?

I already have 4 tattoos and I would like one on the side of my foot that says "C'est La Vie". How does pain for this tattoo location compare to lower back, wrist, and stomach tattoos?

Does anyone know where to catch an Unown in pokemon pearl?

please tell me where to find the Unown its the last pokemon i need to complete my pokedex and get the national dex

A child with a positive tuberculin test has:?

because with B.. im guessing just because you were in contact with someone with active TB, does not necessarily mean you came in contact with the active bacteria enough to make antibodies or anything against it

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Is the Taurus 9mm millennium a good handgun?

I was wondering because it seems to be a pretty inexpensive pistol. i just want it so i can have one in my glove box. i plan on leaving the clip full of hollow tips. will they jam in this gun?

How do you parenthetically cite 6 lines of poetry?!?

Indent the entire section in, do not use quotation marks, drop the slashes unless they're in the original.

I have a great product that will help a lot of people. How do I get it in the hands of Walmart and Lowes?

I currently sell special fertilizers to golf courses that have eliminated disease and the need to water excessively. These products work well on vegetables for the home owner and can extend the shelf live of vegetables grown with them. They can also make the vegetables more nutritious and everything is biologically safe. How can I get Walmart or Lowes to put them on their shelves?

I have a question about at&t's new A list?

On a family plan with 1400 minutes or higher, you get 10 numbers for the entire plan under the A List feature. It's not 10 numbers per line.

How can I get a PS3 A.S.A.P EASY 10 POINTS?

Go to a game store online? Or if you can't wait for delivery, physically GO OUT and buy one? Pretty simple when you think about it, you know?....

Please translation in English. Thank You?

Sabes se que andas con ellos y por eso no me contestas y aunque lo que icimos muchas veces tu no me lo icistes por amor pero y regalarme algo de ti cuidate much te amo y siempre lo are te te lo digo con todo mi corazon perdoname por lo mala que ful con ti

Why is my partner not reporting his ex to the police?

He cheated for years.I live with him(not married)we both have his kids. She found out 1st &she dumped him.I stayed with him on condition he nevers speaks to her again.She has been haring him by phone, email,insulting. He changed his numbers, blocked her emails but she keeps making new email addresses &he won't shut down his email.She's haring me too because i stopped him seeing their child but i dont want to get involved.Why can't he just report her to the POLICE &pls don't tell me because of the child because he doesn't want to be involved with the child anymore so the child won't be dumbed on him if she gets arrested. Am i being unreasonable for being angry as to why he wont report or get restraining order to protect his family, it's pure harment police wld be on her straight away

Why are some people on here so fixated on proving there is no longer "oppression" in first world countries?

Think about it, Why do you have to try so hard to prove your point? Against what is undeniably STILL a MAJOR issue at hand. I'm so sick and tired of people comparing us to the lowest common denominator... I will CONTINUE to play the card, as black people play the race card. I used to be resentful of them until I realized it's true what they have to go through stuff like racial profiling! Women get profiling... Sure these two groups may get some "special privileges"... But you know what? We've been oppressed so long, along with the gay community we DESERVE & are ENTITLED to these things, to at least somewhat make up for what we've endured across history and NOW!

Why are atheists & evolutionists called 'intelligent fools'?

Is it that because they claims to be scientists but believe in monkeys or apes as their ancestors and have senseless ideas about creation so as to believe everything was formed out of nothing to become everything. 0+0=1.

Hillary lied about '96 bosnia snipers.....anyone remember mccains walk through peaceful baghdad markets?

You think the US Government is willing to take that risk? Just let him stroll down a neighborhood without protection. President Bush can walk down my neighborhood and there would Secret Service and Military every where. Let alone a nation in the middle of a war. He didn't lie to appeal to voters, not even the same thing.

NFL Mock Draft ?

no way the texans take maclin. they have enough receivers. they need help on the defensive side. laurinitis or maualaga? :)

Is there a song about tellin your friend to stop doin drugs or weed???or a song that tells u the consequences

or a song that tells u the consequences about doin drugs and weed or what would happen to the person after they mess with weed and drugsss????????My friend friend does drugs grrrr=[[[[[[ i love her to death and i dont want anything bad to happen her...

Parents..curious about what you would think?

Either man or woman... if a stranger touched my daughter, even her arm or her head I'd be upset. She is my daughter, not a public thing for people to poke or touch whenever they feel like it.

Can anyone recommend books about psychology?

I'm facing university in less than a year, and I'm considering psychology as a major. Thing is, I know nothing about it. University is supposed to teach me everything, but I should at least wet my toes. Can someone recommend any good reading material? I know that psychology is incredibly multi-faceted, but I'm looking for books about basics. Simple to understand, but insightful. Thanks.

My mom is nagging and being really rude...I'm 21 how can I stop her from invading every inch of my life?

My mom had been nagging me non stop lately. I'm 21 and I still live at home, but I pay my own bills, I bought my own car, I'm paying for college on my own and I work 2 jobs. Although she is a good mom she is driving me insane. Nothing I do is ever right, If I'm stressed she yells at me even more, she thinks she can control my dating life (when she hasn't even met the guy I'm seeing) and she constantly nags me to eat or take my vitamins or clean my room! I'm 21 years old, when will this stop? I am planning on moving out soon and she always makes snide remarks like "oh yeah we'll be laughing when you can't pay rent and will be starving." or "good luck doing that on your own." I don't get it. She takes everything personally and gets so pissed off that I'm never home but I go to school and work two jobs!!!!

Although our stomach secretes Hydrochloric acid , but then too we suffer from many infections, why so ?

It is said that we may loose our finger if we dip it in our stomach's secretion of very low pH value, i.e. Hydrochloric acid , but then too E. coli 0157 sort of organisms attack our digestive tract and we get infected.... BUT WHY ?

Where is the best AFB to be stationed?

Im looking in terms of wheather (warm!), friendly people, good food, and close proximity to somewhere fun. That almost rules out all the bases up north.

Hey does anyone know of any events going on in sullivan county NY this weekend i have family in town??

Probably too late, but here ya go: a href="" rel="nofollow"

Softly softly approach to smoking.?

My partner smokes and I really detest it. I have been trying for years to get him to give up by doing the "softly softly" approach. ie. talking, encouraging and supporting him, finding out why he smokes and resolving that etc. however, he just keeps on smoking. He has tried patches, gum, speaking to the Quitline and friends encouragement. Nothing has worked. Friends have tried hypnotism and said it doesn't work either. When I try to talk stronger to him about it he wallows in self pity. The thing is all our friends, including myself have been able to give up in the last few years. My Father recently died of throat cancer so it is really a sensitive issue with me, and although we are due to get engaged soon, I can't commit to a man that smokes. I have come down hard on him now and said that if he doesn't give up there is no future for us. I feel horrible but I am at my wits end. Did I do the right thing?

RUPERT GRINT - AUG 2007 -Toronto?

Hi, can someone please tell me if Rupert Grint - Ron from harry Potter was in Toronto this past august for some book signing?

With Propaganda as bad as this, shouldn't there be an automatic Appeal of the Laws that Outlaw Marijuana and?

Wow...I'm impressed. You really put a lot of "thought" into this rant didn't you? Sure let's do it. It's only logical to solve the drug problem by ADDING to it. Don't alcohol and nicotine cause enough problems? Do you really "think" weed won't add to the problems?

Why can't i show affection?

I find it very hard to show affection to my boyfriend. Even with past boyfriends it's been hard for me to initiate affection. I always waited until they grab my hand first, or when they kiss me first, im never the one to show it first. I don't know why i'm like that, i still struggle with it. Growing up, i never seen my parents show affection for eachother so i guess i just don't know how to act that way around the opposite . I grew up in a very male environment, where anything girlie was looked down upon. Whenever my parents, expecially my dad, saw a couple holding hands or kiss he would condemn it and say that's stupid. I don't want to have the same mentality as him, but some how it stuck with me..Please help? Im 18 and i don't want to be like this forever...

Do you have children in your life you just can't stand?

I hope you stay away from his parents, because they are the real bad guys in this situation. After all, they made him what he is, and he is still just a kid.

Is anyone famililar with 203k loans/streamline rehab loans? Real Estate professional please help.?

I'm aware that this loan is people who are buying property that needs updating, foreclosure and homes that are in poor condtion. Does anyone know If this loan allows you to purchase a home that has major damage. Its a deceased family member put I want to purchase it and fix lots of damage. The roof has caved In. Will the 203k fha rehad loan allow a loan for a home with that much damage?

Which country has the most beautiful people in your opinion? (In terms of physical beauty,of course.)?

I'm just curious about others opinions because out of the places I've been I'd say Poland. However, I must say I've seen many gorgeous Lebanese women on YouTube videos, especially the exceptionally beautiful Haifa Wehbe and then there's Aishwarya Rai from India. Furthermore, I've seen so many lovely Japanese and Korean women on many different websites. Although, I've been to Brazil and I agree that there are many beauties there I don't feel they're the most beautiful.

Can I adjust aperture manually in Canon Powershot A1000IS?`?

Is it possible on Canon Powershot A1000IS to adjust the shutter speed below 1 second and adjust the aperture priority? In the specification it is show that Aperture available from f/2.7 to f/5.6. Is it the range which the camera adjusts automatically?

Bad credit person still denied even with co-signer tenant/room mate?

I live in this condominium for about 7yrs and 2 years in the present unit. I have to move in another unit/rm and want to have a room mate. My friend supposed to be my room mate have a bad credit when they require for a background check so the condominium ociation denied her to live in the bldg. and be my room mate even I co-signed for her. My realtor and the owner of the unit doesn't really care but the condominium ociation decide. I want to know if this is right and accordance to law to deny someone even with a co-signer that accept full responsibility. What agency I could ask for help to intervene or complain. I live in Atlantic City, NJ.

I wanna ask about this email it right or wrong?

DEFINITELY Spam. 100%! DON'T reply to this! and NEVER give your bank details out over the internet! Nothing that you buy on the internet will ask for your sorting code or account number, if they ask for this, never supply them as its a scam!

Does a babies personality reflect what they will be as an adult?

Based on those observations, I can only conclude that as soon as your baby develops the proper motor skills, it will attempt to murder you.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Where can I buy cases of Fuji Water.?

How do you define case? I've seen packs of about 8-10 in most grocery stores I've ever been in. Good luck.

Football Home Jersey, how to wear?

dude, i been through the same problem, i just relized its no big deal, a lineman is supposed to be chubby, thats why they're lineman. : ]

♠ Medieval Girl Names ♠?

The first name that came to mind when reading her character & looks was Gwendolyn. I'd definitely go with that. Good luck : D

Why did john wilkes boothe shoot kennedy?

why did john wilkes boothe shoot kennedy??? and why did then stalin surrender after he had waterloo?? but if john wilks boothe both had ever already been done before to kennedy wouldn't stalin had know that kennedy already was being dead becuase of boothe had done to him why would stalin be then to have to surrender to kennedy because he was already dead????

How do I not be socially awkward?

I am socially awkward now, my social skills are bad, I can`t even have a one way conversation, how do I fix this, my conversation skills are bad, I start a conversation by saying to someone hi and they ignore me and then when I do get into a conversation at school by saying where u from people run for me, my dad told me maybe people run from you because you are an ugly sk@nk, guess he is right. My dad hates me and tells me, ``Give up, you`re going no where in life.`` I think I am awkward. Really awkward.

Playing Sims2 on laptop?

This site provides a One-Click solution that looks at your computer's hardware and system software to determine whether or not your current system can run a product. Each of your computer's components is evaluated to see how well it meets the minimum and recommended requirements for specific products. Recommendations are made on how to update or upgrade each component which does not meet the listed requirements. Sometimes, a simple, free software download is all that is needed. Sometimes you'll find that you need a different video card to fully experience what the game has to offer.

Am i a late bloomer?

Were all different(thank God) but when i joined the Navy i was 17 and was 5'8'' and weighed 132 pounds. 2 years later i was 6' tall and weighed 160 pounds so yes it is possible your still growing......

Which is the best shocks to buy for my truck? 2002 sierra 1500 LD was thinkin about bilsteins?

Bilstein would be a good choice, after all that is what GM has been using. But Monroe are also good quality shocks.Probably a little less expensive too.

What do you think of my baby names? & BQ!?

your names are beautiful! Aurelius Roman sounds well y lol sorry i dont know how else to put it. I love Aaden Cooper(my son is Jayden) I love Emerson too but personally dont like Tobias. Austin Gabriel is a nice name. i love Novalee and Auroras cute.

Groups trying to improve Indigenous Australians health.?

Does any one know of some individuals, communities or government groups that are addressing the health inequities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders?

What disorder do i have???

m constantly getting this thought like what if i am a random perosn and what if i dont know who i am. I know all this isent true but i start to feel like im turing into a diffrent person even though the thoughts are false. And when i get a thought like this i have to reaure myself i am fine and stop the discomfort. And this happens constantly

Why doesn't CH7 televise NAB Cup live to Qld?

that's the big question when they lost the footy rights and then got it back this year its clear things have not changed remember qld and nsw will always be considered rugby league states which is why all the late time slots for afl maybe try foxtel the coverage is excellent this year with 5 games per week live but each networks get the games allocated and again here is Sydney ch7 i think it is is not showing the game until midnight which means even foxtel cant show it either

Why do people put shoes on a wire?

back in my old neighborhood in miami its a bad neighborhood and ive seen so many shoes on the wires i heard it was something to do with gang turf but im not sure can someone explain to me the reason why they throw their shoes on wires

Fiat doblo particulate filter problems?

dos any body know can i do away with this filter unit and will this show on the icu ? if it shows will it matter or affect engine running, surely somebody must know the answer to this problem , please there must be a way to isolate this unit and still have happy motoring !!

Is Woolworths worth saving?

The last time I went in my local Woolworths I couldnt wait to leave. The aisles are far too small and the stuff they sell is mostly junk that you can find either cheaper or better elsewhere... which is prob why theyre closing

Is it normal to like being alone but still want a romantic partner?

I have a great circle of close friends and things like that but I like having my alone time and "getting away from it all" as some friendships and obligations can be emotionally draining. The funny thing is, I haven't been in a relationship in awhile and I am really looking forward to making a new connection with someone, yet, I like solitude. Is that normal?


The of fructose 1,6 bisphosphate by aldolase b generates two 3 carbon fragments which are inequilibriul via triose isomerase.(dihydroxyacetone -phosphate to glycerol-phosphate, and glyceraldehyde -3 phosphate). As glyceraldehyde -3 P is used in the next step and converted to 1, 3 bisphosphoglycerate..then more dHAP shifts toward glyceraldehyde -3P because of LeChatelier's principle ( the delta G for the reaction is very close to zero ) . So theoretically you have two glyceraldehyde-3 Ps instead of one so all reactions past aldolase one doubles the yields...This is why 2 ATPs are invested ( hexokinase and phosphofructokinase ) but 4 are made ( post aldolase)for a net yield of 2 ATPs. The phosphate donor is ATP the 6 phosphate is part of fructose-6P made frpm glucose -6-P which came from action of hexokinase on glucose .The rate limting enzyme of glycolysis , phosphofructokinase uses another ATP to phosphorylate fructose 6-P to the 1, 6 bis P

Is there a such thing as a chip addiction or chip overeating?

I eat chips all the time. In fact i just finished eating some like 3 mins ago. Okay and its like ii have a craving for them. Whenever i go to the store i always seem to pick up a bag of chips. Most of the time its hot cheetos, but nevertheless i pick up any bag of chips.So i could say i probably consume about 5 bag of chips(99 cent bag) and about 6 of the little 35 cent bag chips a week.... I want to know is this a major problem or something. Can it cause trouble in the future? And please help me dont give smart comments. I am serious about finding out what is wrong.

What do you think of Mohammed Kaif as the new vice captain of India?

First of all Mohammed Kaif needs to be brought back into the team. His fielding and batting in the middle order are both important to the Indian side. He is considered to be the next Mohd. Azharuddin in the making in terms of his batting skills and his tenacity to lead. He should be in the team and a regular on top of that. He also needs to be given chances to lead the team in absence of the seniors as Yuvraj has done on several occasions. Yuvraj and Kaif are the future of Indian cricket and BCCI needs to groom them to be leaders of the future.

I have a ratchet and clank size matters platinum edition, will my save file work for the non-platinum edition?

I have ratchet and clank size matters platinum edition, but I want to do all the glitches and tricks in the non-platinum edition that have been patched up in the platinum edition. Will my current save file work for the non-platinum version of the game?

How do I get the compiler to work for doctor java?

So i just downloaded Dr. Java. I need step by step instructions. Where to download it from, where to put the downloaded files and how to up load it.

What is the main idea of this short excerpt and what actions did the Japanese gov't take to restore values?

The Japanese are a truly ancient people. Very little of japanese culture changed for 1000 years until the industrial revolution. Then British and American interests saw asia as a good place to develop. Starting in the mid 1800's Japan became more modern and was striving to catch up with the west. this drew very mixed feelings among the people. They saw the british empire taking India and China and felt they needed to go on the offensive before it was too late. Hence they sided with the Nazis and went to war.

How to fix a figure skating boot?

Apply a white, waterproof leather shoe polish to the area. It won't make the gash go away but it will protect the inside of your boot. I would recommend that if you are going to practice on public sessions, wear boot covers or OTB tights to protect your boots from damage. It's a lot easier to mess up your skates with lots of beginners on the ice.

What to cook with chicken ?

I am having a small group of ladies over tonight for my small Bachlorette party. I also have many pieces of skinless, boneless chicken that I have to cook before they go bad. I was thinking of making finger foods or something easy for my guests tonight to snack on. Any ideas? Thanks!

MS Windows Server 2003 incorrectly reporting out of disk space?

Random users, trying to save random Excel files sometimes (not always) receive an out of disk space message when trying to save their Excel files across a network onto a MS Windows Server 2003 server. The server has approx. 200GB of free hard drive space. One thought was file size. One file is 5.9MB and another is 12+ MB. Another thought was the network, but nothing has changed here. What has changed was that these users received a new File\Print server several months ago and this problem has been intermittent. The software load is the same for every server and the hardware is consistent. Windows Update has been run on this server. Thanks!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Is this an infatuation or obsession or something else?

Sounds like you have feelings for him. I think if it were infatuation you are experiencing then chances are you'd only be physically attracted to him and know nothing about him. You should tell him! ;)

Can a kitten get the shakin baby syndrome?

If you shake a baby hard they could get the shaked baby syndrome and die. Could I kitten? I'm asking because my bf likes to play with my kitten ruff. He says it's to tuffin her up so he has good intentions. And She dosent seem in pain or anything during or after. I just want to know just to make sure he's not hurting her brain on accident. Thanks

Atheist, is this your tombstone inscription? "here i lie all dressed up and no place to go"?

Don't particularly need a tombstone. This life is not a dress rehearsal - it's the important part. What happens to my body or about my life afterwards bothers me not one whit. Feed me to the pigs for all I care. I'm not so arrogant as to think the world revolves around me even while I'm alive and definitely not when I'm dead.

Can someone please help me out with this character I'm creating?

what this be used in a cartoon? game? I'm not sure but i think you should give it something unique like maybe a letter on the shirt or something,besides a banana for it to hold or carry along with it. if you want email me the picture and what kind of theme you are having with it and ill make changes to express my opinion.

1999 Volkswagen 2.0L SOHC Engine Noise...?

I don't know how you did this but it was a really good idea. Those video clips (well, the sound anyway) made it obvious that its a top end problem. You definitely have a bad lifter or a loose rocker(which will only need to be tightened. If it is not the rocker then it is a lifter that either either collapsed or has a piece of dirt in it. If it's just dirt you can drain about a half quart to a quart of oil from the motor and add the same amount of Marvel Mystery Oil to bring the level back up. You can also use automatic trans fluid but it won't do quite as good a job. If it is just dirt this will work it out. If you go about 500 miles and it still hasn't stopped ticking then you'll have to get inside the motor. If you end up there go ahead and replace all the lifters while you're there. It doesn't sound really bad so I'm gonna lean toward it being dirt and not a bad lifter.

The bell jar by Sylvia Plath?

Who are the "Rosenbergs" who are mentioned in the start of the story? What happened to them? I'm so confused !

Whats the weirdest phone conversation you have ever had?

Me, my best friend, my guy friend, and my best friend's boyfriend. It was about what boxers they were wearing. Then we had a debate on whether the new Toy Story 3 movie will be good or not. Somehow, it related back to the topic of boxers. Don't ask.

Culturally speaking would any illegal aliens(preferably women although men will do as well) want a green card?

Agreed, how can he ask the same thing over and over? he should step away from the computer and get a life, or at least a hobby outside of cloning me.

What do you think is the clic song with the most incomprehensible lyrics?

And I'm not talking novelty songs here ("Surfin' Bird" or "Wooly Bully"). I mean songs that sound like they're saying a lot, and you've always sung along happily to them, but if you actually stop and think about it you have no idea what the hell they're talking about. (I immediately think of "The Weight" by The Band and "Junior's Farm" by Paul McCartney & Wings.)

Anyone heard of Erik Aybar 2nd/SS for the Angels? How is his spring going? Worth a look in a 12 team roto?

Saw him play in the Domincan Winter League. Looked okay then. He's had a good spring but will probably split time with Izturis, so probably not really worth picking up.

Becoming Jane Hair Color?

yep it will work. make sure you look on the side to see what it will turn your hair that shade because sometimes if you have light light hair you have to dye it twice.

Was Anita Bryant really Mark Foley's mom?

I know she was Ann Coulter's aunt, but if she is also Foley's mom then that explains why Coulter has been blasting away at all of Foley's critics today. Still, I'm not going to send money to Laura Bush's Foley defense fund. Are you?

I find it so hard talking to my parents, What should I do? plz answer******?

My parents constantly patronise my religion and I would really like to go to church. Other people in previous questions have said to talk to them about it, but it is so hard talking to them and I don't know why I just feel a little uncomfortable talking about religion

How can i get more known on youtube?

please help on youtube i usually post skateboarding videos and some funny videos.occasionaly a short vid about wmm or computers. but i need help i only have 19 subscribers and i hope to get more views and more known. if you like skateboarding and funny videos check out if you have a youtube account and like my videos please subscribe

If I have teacher certs in Social Studies and ESL with 2 yrs experience,can I get hired even in this bad econ?

I want to believe it is possible for me to be hired for next school year, but many districts are cutting funding and not hiring. I want to know if I have a chance of getting hired if I should stop wasting my time and pursue something else.

Does anybody know good French movies?

I've seen Jeux D'encanta (which i LOVED), La Vie En Rose, Amelie, Joyoux Noel, Les Choristes. Can anyone recommend more movies like these?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I desperatly need ideas?

How about you make it about paths your day could take. Like you're talking to someone and say something that you regret, but then you can rewind and go back in time, like in the videogame Prince of Persia, and choose to do something else. You make bad choices, but then can go back and fix them. Or you decide to go bold, and regret it and then go back and change it.

Gles for astigmatism only?

Can you get gles with a prescription for just astigmatism correction and not include correction for sphere (distance) from my prescription? I want astigmatism correction for looking at the computer screen, but not distance correction. So in the end I will have one for distance + astigmatism correction and the other will just have correction for astigmatism + anti reflective coating, for computer use.

What is the input and output force on these objects??!!?

I've never heard the word "force" used in those terms before. It does not really make much sense.

Little Girl?

I'd love to name my little girl Casey, but am stuck on a middle name. Ideally it would start with an "S" after my late grandmother. I detest trendy names, place names, and "exotic" names and would rather not hear about anything being "cute". Think you can help? Please, no more than 5 suggestions apiece. Thanks!

Is the Universe really and truly unfolding as it should?

Human beings and Earth are such a microscopic portion of the big picture they have virtually no influence on the unfolding of the universe. Nothing has any rights, everything is subjected to the laws of nature and the universe will unfold according to those laws.

This question is a bit disgusting, but understand that I need medical advice pronto! When I poop bloaty-rust?

...colored water rushes out of my bum-bum. The smell omitted is sweet, not your usual poopy-smell. What in the world could be causing this.

Shopping Cart?

Where can I get my very own SHOPPING CART w/o paying a multitude of $money$ for one?? And no, I don't think that I'm up to stealing one from the local Kroger.

Should black women just have children with ..............?

white man so that way their children will come out light and beautiful like beyonce, tyra banks, and rihanna and halle berry?

Son may be joining the RAF?

My Son is hoping to join the RAF (he is about to be interviewed in next few days) and he is thinking of choosing to join the regiment or police. Will he be sent to Afghanistan without adequate equipment/training? I am so worried.

Has anyone heard of becoming allergic to xanax and klonopin after being on them for years lately whenever?

i take them my lips go numb my neck feels like its thicking,and my cheeks feel funny..and yesteday i started getting a rash in the top of the crack o fmy rear and today it has aa blister inside the rash.I went to a medical dr last week and he said i am not allergic to them,im tapering off the xnax and i dont knw if that is part of the problem..i was also on a short dose of prednisone for 4 days 20 mgs amd 10 mg for 1 day all this started after being on the prednisone,but i was only on it 5 days..i was on klonopin from june 07 till jan 08 and tehn put back on xanax in feb 08 and back on klonopin in april 08.after i am done with my xanax taper i willl taper offf the klonipn.but im so scaed for some reason i have become allergic,and i know i cant stop these meds cold turkey...anyone ever hear of anything like this,,could it be me being so afraid causing these reactions?

Im trying to find a website that list job/career fairs in the So Cal area (inland empire and LA County)?

Im trying to become a crane operator. I have My CCO and my Cl A permit. If anyone has ideas please help.

Pisces boyfriend cheated with a Capricorn?

My Pisces boyfriend and I had just gotten back together that day, and that night he went out with his friends to this Cappy girl's house. I don't know much of what happened, I just know from his phone that they "did some kissin". (I know I shouldn't have gone through his phone but, hey, I'm a Scorpio). He told me they did nothing. I told him what I had found out, but I chose to forgive him because we had originally broke up because he suspected me of cheating. I never actually cheated on him, but he thought I did so even after we reconciled our differences he was pissed off, and got drunk and kissed this Capricorn chick. Was I wrong or right to forgive him and stay with him? He seems to think we can't get out of this rut by I have faith our relationship will work with a little time. Am I sticking to this too hard due to my Scorpio tendencies? I'd like some insightful responses, not just to tell me to leave him. Thanks guys :)

If Barrett is a shoo-in for Origin 2, where will Gids go?

I think the only position they could possibly play him in that won't disrupt the side too much is hooker. Ennis did nothing again in Game 1 so Gidley could not be any worse but no matter where he plays we are going to have a team of players playing out of position once again because the NSW selectors seem unwilling to or are incapable of selecting a team on form alone.

Female and body issue?

Well, I think if you are going to try to continue the relationship you definitely need to tell her that you are in fact not circised...don't just let her find out...that would be so awkward for both of you. And if she can't handle that, then she's not the right one for you anyway.

Why am I dreaming about my ex-boyfriend?

So, it's pretty devastating for me. My boyfriend and I broke up a year ago this week, he cheated on me and lied to me. and since I've moved on. I have a new boyfriend, he's friends with my ex but the rarely talk. I've been severely depressed for the past 2 years. My ex hated it, I stopped cutting for him, then started again once we broke up. Our relationship lasted 6months. Which is quite long seeing as I'm only 16 now. I'm freaking out because I keep dreaming of him. The dreams meant nothing until last night. See I got drunk last weekend and cut, it was so deep it took 5hours to finally stop bleeding, even then it split open every hour for the next 3 days. Anyways last night I dreamy about him, I hated him to start with, then throughout the dream I started to remember why I fell for him. Near the end of the dream, we were lying on the lawn after all the chaos in the dream, and I had a video camera, and as I held it up he saw my scars, and he said " beth, no not again". I covered my arms, he lifted my sleeves and kissed each of my scars. Then I just smiled and faced the camera to him, he said " I'm sorry beth, I love you" the funny part was no matter how stupid it sounded, I thought about it, I turn d the camera to me and said I love you too. Then I woke up. I looked down at my arm at my scars they're almost gone. Amazed I forced my self to go back to sleep, and he was there again, I kept wanting to talk to him, I needed to talk to him but his friends kept saying I. Wasn't good enough for him, and never let me talk to him. I woke up again. And now I'm freaking out, crying over him again... I don't know what's going on, or what to do?? Help please???

Are you as dependent on Ceiling Cat as you once were?

I would say that some days are better than others. I am very dependent on some days and very not on other days. I think that you have to ease into it because a relationship with kitehs can always progress further. I wish I was more though.

I have a great product idea but I dont know how to make it a reality. What can I do?

I have a great Idea but that all it is and idea. how do I plan,work it out, and start being able to market this idea. I ts really great but theres a patent i have to get,stuff i have to develop and i dont know anything about that stuff all I have is the I dea, how can I start to develop it?

How can I secure an attorney for appeal of ssdi?

I have had Bipolar I and schizophernia. I have been on medication faithfully, but they are inter fearing with my day to day life, including work, family and other social interactions. What can I do?

Names for baby #1, what do you think? BQ?

i really like Aisla and Hanna for girls, and Zachary and Henry for boys. i dont really like sharona. sorry.

On Y&R does Victoria get on your nerves with her wimpy soft voice it seems worse lately?

Victoria is a terrible character. I just started watching Y&R and her moral superiority is so grating. She has no problem berating her husband and refuses to listen to him even though her father has a history of doing awful things. She had problem screaming at JT for kissing Colleen when she had just come from snogging Deacon. Ugh, its too bad Colleen is no longer with us because JT deserves better...

Sims 2 Sweeney todd question?

im trying to make a sweeney todd video and i am trying to find certain downloads that are giving me some trouble. I really need help finding razors ( I checked mod the sims) and Sweeney's hair that looks realistic. I would be really appreciative if I got some help thank you.

How to get Vaseline out of towels and the washing machine!?

remove as much Vaseline as you can then run a boil wash or the longest hottest wash you can with a normal detergent for a heavily soiled wash repeat twice .The high temperature combined with the detergent should clean the whole machine out .For a final clean you could try using a preparatory washing machine cleaner These are specifically designed to remove sludge ,lime scale and any other gunge remaining in the pipes .The towels can be cleaned the same way ,removing as much Vaseline as you can by hand and paper towels before boil washing .You could add the towels to the washes you are doing to clean the machine (but not the preparatory washing machine cleaner

Why does my male friend distance himself from me ...?

... every time he gets a potential girlfriend? This is a platonic male friend. He will be kind of sh*tty and will hardly talk when he has a girlfriend, but once that girlfriend is out of his life, well guess whose shoulder he cries on? (Mine.) He'll then be friendly again and want to talk extensively. Is this male behavior?

What is a Major and a Minor Degree?

This is a Major degree - a Degree in IT is a degree where the Major is IT, from the description of it there is no minor component.

Why is this so i dont get it??

i get called a little girl all the time and i get patted on the head and called cutie or cute altho i am a child im just very youthful for my age and immature lol but i look alot younger than i do i look about 10, 11 and 12 years old thats how small i am but i just turned 14 but im veryyyyyy verrry smalll for my age and im very immature (hate to admit it but its true lol) but why do i get called that alllll the time (when i say im 14 people dont beleive me) im not tall enough to go on alot of rides at the fair

Do you agree with Mexican NGO lays blame for migrants’ woes on inaction and deaf ears of the Central and South?

Mexico blames everybody but themselves. If it's not America for promoting capitalism, it's American drug users who are to blame. If it's not us, then it's the central and South American consuls who are to blame for the poverty and corruption. Yep, Mexico is totally blameless.

What do you do when you think you have a counterfeit twenty??

I think that i have gotten a fake 20 dollar bill from the back and am afraid to try and spend it what should i do??

How to deal with my extremely resentful 15 yo girl?

About 18 months ago she messed up, was hanging out with bad friends, did some bad stuff, got disrespectful, lied. We had to give a severe punishment. She apologized, said now she could understand she was wrong, promised to change. But I was very upset, hurt and even after the punishment it took me several months to trust her again. I told her flat out she'd have to regain my trust, this broke her spirit, she didn't expect that. I didn't know my trust was so important to her. She got in a deep depression, buy anyway I thought I should be firm, told her I understood how she felt but I needed actions, depression wouldn't solve the problem. She went to counseling, got out of her depression, but our relationship was destroyed. Se found teachers who gave her great proofs of trust, everybody says she's a wonderful girl and actually, now we're proud of her.She's everything parents want, but avoids me is extremely resentful. I tried talking to her, but she avoids me, says I hurt her.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Undescended testicle in my four year old epileptic papillion?

I have a Papillon too. He is my BABY!! I can only imagine what you are feeling. What I would do, is do a lot of research online, get a lot of opinions from vets. Go to vet chat rooms and blogs. Maybe find some info on canine epilepsy. Maybe he'd be better of not getting neutered? Do A LOT of research before making the decision.

Is it safe to get my tubes tied for a few years so that?

I don't get pregnant when after I just get married, and have them untied later so that I can have children?

Bacteria Growth using gelatin in a plastic container?

I don't have petri dish here I would like to find out if a ordinary plastic container can be used to grow bacteria using gelatin? Should I sterilize the plastic container first?

Centerpiece ideas for my sons 2nd Bday party... Monster Truck Theme...any suggestions?

Does anyone have any cute ideas for centerpieces and decorations for a Monster Truck party? My son is turning two... thanks.

Anyone else being hared by bugs?

Seriously, I've killed like 83548298 mosquitoes tonight and one is trying to attack me at the moment. They're like a super breed too - when you go to whack 'em they're already halfway across the room and then they go mental and bomb you! Plus there's 3 of those huge house spiders running around the living room somewhere, another in the bathroom and one is hanging around on the kitchen ceiling. Oh, and there's some weird fly things that keep popping up too. I live in the city and we don't normally have a problem with many insects but this year we're being plagued by the sods. Is this because of the crappy summer we've had?

Horse show trip..?

Where will your horses be staying? WIll they have stalls? If you have one, a portable round pen is wonderful for long shows because there is typically no turn out and 10 days of no turnout can make a horse nuts. I would recommend an outdoor grill (the camping style one). A cooler is good and water bottles. Make sure you bring emergency kits for your horses with everything you might need if one gets hurt (including farrier tools if there is not going to be a farrier on site).

Zombie Movie istance?

My friend and I are makin a zombie movie for the Diary of the Dead contest to get the movie put on the DOTD DVD. We have found that if you mix Corn Syrup, Red food coloring, 1 fluid ounce of condenced milk, drop of blue food coloring, and 1 fluid ounce of water, you can make blood. Also, we need loads of zombies, but only about 3 people out of the 40 we asked want to be in it. Also we are having trouble with buying a tripod for my friends camera online, and buying something that converts mini tapes into dvds. We also can not find anything better than windows movie maker to edit the movie on. And it is impossible to find an abandoned house to use in the movie. It is rushing through us fast because there are rules that have not been released yet and if we start early, we may find that we broke the rules when they are released and have to start over. Can anyone help us with these problems and can you give a link to a good site to give us ideas for the movie and editing help for WMM?

Turned off and tuning out?

Dr. Phil asks, "Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?" I pick happy every time.

How heavy should the weights i use for P90X be?

I'm 14, a boy, and scrawny. I'm looking to gain some weight. The weights I use are 10 to 8 pound weights, should i be using more weight? If so what do you recommend? Thank you.

How did these leaders come to power?

You should have also listed Hitler especially since our current president has apparently taken a page right out of Hitler's control the media playbook to get elected.

How much money did it take for Harry Reid to say this about President Obama?

Harry Reid is a big lib. I'd like to ask him why, if Obama has such a a big heart, he couldn't do something about Chicago having the highest taxes in the nation.

I have soaked a rag quilt w/black flannel in salt 3 times over night & in cold. It's still fading. Any ideas?

I have washed this quilt in cold and soaked in one cup plain salt over night 3 times. The dark red was so vibrant and the black just continues to fade. I have not tried vinegar since I do not know the type of dye it is, will try that or am I not using enough salt. Have used salt for years without fail, until now.

What major(s) goes with these interests?

im majoring in pure mathematics, but i could have an option in mathematics with applied environmental science. so i guess if you like math then you can head that direction.

Will a Dodge Ram or Grand Cherokee engine fit in a Durango 1998?

I have heard that the Ram and Cherokee have the Magnum 5.2 L engine. but I am not sure if it fits on a Durango. (do the engine-trans connections match?)

Why does wmm do this?

so, sometimes when i try to import a video it says it cant be imported. why does it do this? is there anything i can do about it?


It would appear that you're perfectly capable of answering your own questions. No need for me to chime in.

Which clothing brands are popular among gays?

Probably Abercrombie & Fitch. I'm not sure though. Some other popular brands are 2xist, Papi, C-In2, Triple X, Ginch Gonch, and Calvin Klein. Some guys are definitely into Prada, Gucci, Nike, Banana Republic, and The Gap

Can i replace the radio in a 1996 mercury sable without it looking really bad?

yes, you can. They make a mounting rack which has a frame that will fit into the niche without any aesthetic blemishes. Just be careful removing the old radio, and you should have no problem.

Origin of the Story of Creation?

Moses couldn't even remember what the original 10 commandments were when he went back up the mountain to rewrite them, how do you expect him to write a detailed explanation of the beginning of creation?

Why does a different steroid test have to be developed for each anabolic steroids?

Anabolic steroids work in the body because they bind to the cellular receptors for testosterone and stimulate the testosterone response in the body. However, drug tests are more selective than these receptors, and so a different drug test has to be developed for each anabolic steroid. Why is this?

Frontmen Free For All?

Mick Jagger vs Freddie Mercury vs Jim Morrison vs David Bowie vs Alice Cooper vs Bono vs Steven Tyler vs Ozzy Osbourne vs David Lee Roth vs Bon Scott vs Eddie Vedder vs Axl Rose vs Bob Marley vs Bruce inson vs Robert Plant vs Ronnie James Dio vs Rob Halford vs Paul Stanley vs Kurt Cobain

A computer question for all you "bods"?

Can anyone tell me please - running AVG9.0 and Spybot. Occionally a web page attaches itself to either all or maybe one of my e-mail contacts and sends itself. With both ABG9.0 & Spybot loaded - why would this happen? What steps do I need to take to eradicate this problem please? Any ideas?

Pointers to improve my CNA/HHA skills?

I took the CNA/HHA test about 2 years ago in the state of Machusetts and am now re-taking it in the state of Florida. I let my license run out because I thought that I wanted to take my career in a direction other then the medical field. After working and going to school for business, I soon found out that nursing is my niche. It's what I love to do and I love helping others. So back to college for nursing (again) and getting involved in the medical field once again. Some tips and pointers on taking the CNA/HHA test would be great! I have all the books, practice tests and such to study off of from my previous cl. Any additional information would be of help. Thanks in advance.

I am addicted to music, any tip ?

Cut short the hours you are listening to music very slowly. For example, If you are listening to music 10 hours everyday, cut it short to 9 and a 3/4th hours. Then the next day, cut it to 9 and a 1/2 hours and so on...

Ramadan::: Portugal VS Middle-east?

I think you should go. You'll go to the middle east next year as well right? Portugal sounds like it's a one time thing.

To Kill A Mockingbird Help?

The quote "I'd rather you shot at tin cans in the back yard, but I know you'll go after birds. Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mocking bird." Atticus said this to Jim after Atticus had bought the kids air-rifles but would not teach them how to shoot. Atticus was accepting that they would shoot birds, but did not want to be responsible for teaching them. Likewise, he accepts the fact the Tom will be convicted, but still defends him. Scout ask Miss Maudie about this and she says that "Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy...That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." This is in chapter 9.

Is this a common occurrence?

Yes it's really common. I also have hazel eyes and like in the sun or really bright light, you can tell that they are green, but when it's like dim lighting my eyes look brown. Also like different colors of eyeshadow can bring out different colors in your eyes.

Whats a good CD to run to?

o man i have the perfect cd actually, Wolfmothers self titled cd, sooooooo good and fast paced, you'll like it, and if you don't, boooo

Enlighten me, please! Why aren't my parents letting me paint my room?

Yes, they are not really giving me a good reason. I keep asking them but, they keep saying no. First, they said I couldn't paint my room because they didn't have the money at the time but, I do and I told them I could buy it. They said no. Second, they said it was because of our type of walls. We live in a double-wide trailer and I guess you could say our walls are "weak." They kind of feel like they are made of plywood or something, but I honestly have no idea. I have a friend that has the exact type of walls as me, hers are painted, and they look great and actually normal. I showed my parents a picture of her walls but, they still said no. I really have no idea why they keep saying no. I severly hope it's not because they are trying to keep me grounded or anything because I'm a good teen, I never get in trouble at school, I rarely ask for stuff, I never go anywhere, I've even shared a room with my sister for 12 years, she's moving out in a week, that's why I'm asking them, it's not like I'm being random, and I've gotten all A's since 4th grade(I'm in 7th now). Any one of you have an idea why?

Unrequited love?

You need to tell your husband and not leave the other guy. You need to follow your heart's desire on this one and try not to feel guilty about it. If it dont work out with this other guy your husband will always be around to talk to anyhow. But why would you think it wont work out? If he's your best friend and you love him this much you should just go for it and be a woman about it by telling your husband. You will never feel whole if you dont give this a try, and it wont work out with your husband especially when your doing nothing but thinking about this other guy. Why sacrifice your heart?

Car insurance for 16 year old guy in wisconsin?

when I looked into it for my 17 yr old son it was $167 per month and he would be on our insurance using our cars...this was through State Farm. ask you parents to check with their insurance company frst...then go from go on your own would be a big mistake...very high insurance rates.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Contract Law Question?

This appears to be a rather clic question that might appear on either a tort, contract, or business law exam. So -- review your notes and concoct your own answer. You can do it! The question whether she can sue is almost inconsequential -- identifying the issues and the statements of applicable case law and how it relates to the fact situation is what matters. Use the IRAC format -- issue, rule, application, conclusion -- and you will be fine!


You always hear about everyone having elective c-sections. Why are women now a days electing to have a major surgery than to have a natural delivery? I have had two children naturally and I am hoping to have this baby naturally also. I was close to having a c-section with my daughter, upon hearing this I pushed harder and got her out. I am really afraid of thought of having a c-section. Dont get me wrong I am not agianst c-sections. I think they are great for women who medically need them, expecially when the moms or babys life is in danger. I just don't understand why c-sections are being done just because the mother doesn't want to have a natural birth. When did c-sections become so routine? How do you feel?

What are the effects of crime committed by delinquents to them?

I need to know the different effects in terms of psychological, emotional, social and other aspects towards children.

If I have a herniated disk, what exercises am I allowed to do?

I have the herniated disk in my lower lumber spine... Doc's told me to keep off running.. But I have to maintain some of my upper body... Can I do chin ups? Girl pushups (normal pushups were thrown out of the window by the doctor)... I'm stupid I didnt ask the doctor while I was there.... So, please help

Please clairvoyants answer my question?

I am at a bit of a crossroads with regards to my career..not sure which way to go with be honest don't really have a way!..can you tell me if there is anything you can see that would help me?

Christians: Do You Believe in Separation of Church and State?

The first amendment is all about what "Congress" shall not do. Congress shall not establish a government church such as the Church of England, and Congress shall not prohibit the free exercise of religion. That is all that is in the Constitution about religion. All laws are going to have some moral aspect.

My ex and i have joint custody of our boys in ny ..he wants to move to cali? what should i do?

My boys reside with him for the past 6 yrs i see them every weekend...he is a jehovahs witness and my entire divorce is done so that i don't interfere with his religion he didn't want to pay me alimony and child support so he had everything done up and pretty much told me if i didn't sign it he would take them away from me..they go to there church 3 or more times per week or i would see them more and the younger ones get home from school late...i work overnites so it's hard for me and at the moment i don't have my own car...about a month ago he told me had full cutody and was moving to cali ..i asked him for a copy of the divorce papers cuz i knew i would have never agrred to that...i was right we have joint...what should i do my kids want to stay with me and im unsure of the laws in Ny...please help!!!

What to wear to school when I have a dress code :// (10 Mega Points)?

I'm so sorry. This place seems horrible. It strips away your total self-expression. Hopefully this is a Catholic school or other Parochial school, because there is Absolutelyy nothing wrong with Satanism. It's just another religion. God damn these schools. Try on up shirts in cool colors into bootcut jeans or high waisted shorts.

Do you think much of people's anger towards immigration reforms?

Comes from feeling left out of the process?Meaning we weren't asked what we wanted nor given FULL disclosure of all it entailed?That it seemed to be another case of secrecy and entitlement of the ruling elite to make our decisions for us?

What's you favorite restaurant?

I'm starving right now, so I'ma torture myself and say that I could use some Outback, or a pizza from Olive Garden.

Did you like the movie Watchmen?

I want responses from those who actually watched the movie in its entirety, not the trailer. Thanks.

Am I over reacting?............?

Only you can decide your next move,but it sounds like they are all a bunch of nasty,ignorant,nutcases.Personally,l would rather be homeless than have to put up with that kind of cr*p.Good luck.

Where can I watch/download Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Shadow Games? (even if it unsubbed)?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What should happen to people who attack the fire brigade?

last night i was watching streetwars(Brittish show about nobheads in public caught on cctv) an some people, unfortunatly in my own city(Bradford) were lighting cars on fire just so they could attack the FB when they arrived to put it out, personaly i think this is the kind of thing you should be publicly flogged for, what do you recon?

Advice on odd dog eating/drinking/peeing/pooping behavior after move?

go out in the backyard with him and hold the leash wait until he goes, maybe take him to the vet but he sounds depressed maybe tak him to a dog park

Does anyone have the URL for Jojo's new song "too little, too late"? on my computer sends it straight to windows media player but on some other computers it actually gives the URL

Bitless Bridle question?

I've used this on different horses, and no, they are not dangerous... Hackmores, maybe, but this is not a hackmore. It has to be fitted and used properly, do your research and use correctly, you will be fine.

10 points: How can I communicate this to my guy?

If you're both super busy then he might not want to make plans in advance. He's a spontaneous person and you are not (bullet point email?). I once told a boyfriend that I wanted a regular schedule and he was like "No way!" If I were you I'd try to loosen up a little and go with the flow. He's probably making time for you whenever he can.

......Is this corruption?

do you not have a city council in your town? How does a Sheriff use taxpayer money without the approval of the city council. If he did, in fact, outfit the cars prior to selling them didn't the city council know this? This sounds very fishy

Why is acetic acid used in excess when making n-butyl acetate?

When reacting n-butyl alcohol with acetic acid to make n-butyl acetate (with a conc. H2SO4 catalyst) why does the acetic acid need to be in excess?

What is an easy way to sum up Frederick Dougl' view of the race problem?

Frederick Dougl was one of the foremost leaders of the abolitionist movement, which fought to end slavery within the United States in the decades prior to the Civil War. That sort of sums it all up.. He was an adviser to Abraham Lincoln in this anti-slavery movement and that was HIS LIFE.. ABOLITION OF SLAVERY

If In go to the gym for 1 hr, 5 days a week for a year how much weight do you think i'll lose?

I have takeaway about once a fortnight and have a fairly balanced diet. I'm aiming to lose about 50 pounds (4 stone/22kg) . Do you think this is realistic? By how much do you think my fitness will go up when I do the bleep test 3 months into training?

"Borderline" blood HcG Test?

I just received a callback from my gp's office and they told me that my pregnancy test (blood test) came out "borderline" and want me to retest again on Monday! Has this ever happend to anyone? I took a First Response pregnancy test and got a very faint positive result yesterday. Please let me know. Thanks :)

I sympathise for chelsea?

Damn thats a hard way to exit...I really feel like im a Chelsea fan LOL its not nice.. Chelsea fans I feel sorry for...

Why does the Yahoo search engine allow advertisers to redirect your search.....?

to something you have absolutely no interest in whatsoever? I mean I am searching for lyrics and I get redirected to prostrate medication ads and mental health publications. Then when you hit the back on you are redirected to the same site again. You actually have to discontinue your search to go back to your home page and start again. Why would the server allow such antics when it is the consumer who makes the final decision as to whom he will give his business?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Whos mad that greenbay lost? whos happy they did?whos mad the charges lost and whos happy they did?

i live in san diego so i wanted the chargers to win but other then them being the home team i didnt care but greenbay is my team and im mad. Grrrr....>=(

My stepson is driving me crazy its making me resent my husband?

my stepson moved in with us in feb a month before he is 18 and he argues and fights with me all the time it seems like i am losing my husband because of are fighting but i cant take it he is literately driving me crazy my husband was on my side basically with him but lately its like he dont want to even help with him he works out of town alot so its me and his son i thought about leaving but i love him we have been married for 2 years and been together for 3 years i dont know what to do

Sanitation Issue: Is this acceptable?

First of all, I'm really sorry about your miscarriage. Throwing the chair out is definitely the best thing to do, and if they don't want to waste money, at least reupholster like you said. If not for health reasons, at least because of sensitivity to you!! That is so rude and weird that they would even want to keep it. I have no idea about how they're supposed to handle it legally, but I don't think there's really anything you can do besides keep bringing it up to your boss or throw it out yourself.

How does Xanax make you feel (.5mg)?

Yes it really works, for some reason I started having panic attacks something I have NEVER had before. Ive been to my doctor and to the hospital yelling I was having a heart attack!! Just the smallest of things sets me off and I HATE IT, I was even scared to take the Xanax they gave me, it took me 5 YEARS to make myself take them until one night I ended up in the hospital with another panic attack and my husband yelled at me and said this was going to have to stop it was costing us 100 dollars a pop every time I went to the hospital, they gave me Xanax .5 mg and I started by taking a half of one and it totally relaxes me, I rest so much better and I don't get that feeling of having a heart attach and that FEELS GREAT !!

How do two players play wager matches in call of duty black ops?

I have it on Xbox and everytime I go to play on split screen with another person it says that the second player doesn't have enough cod points to does player two get points?

What STD i have got?

It appears that you did see a doctor...but you need to see another one, preferably a genito -urinary specialist...they're listed in the phone book under that title. Or call a physician referral hotline in your area. It sounds as if you have some systemic disease going on and probably need antibiotics....don't delay going to a doctor...and don't have with any one until you do.

98 jeep grand cherokee i need help?

i brought my jeep to the dealer and they said the neutral transmission switch is going out so i was just going to replace it myself but i cant find it so i was wondering if anyone could help me out maybe tell me how to replaces it if u cann thanks

How to get back into a sleep routine for school?

I'm 17 and I've always had a tough time sleeping. very light sleeper, I wake up 3 to 4 times per night. since in on christmas vacation from school I have been going to bed at 1am and getting up around 11am. school is in a week. and how do I get back to a routine of getting to sleep around 10pm and waking at 6 am? come next Sunday night ill get in bed at usual school night time of 9pm and probably will take 3 hours to fall asleep? how do I get to sleep quicker? I've always had a problem of taking 1 to 2 hours to fall asleep and now I'm off routine it will take 3 hours. and I don't want to chug nyquil cuz I used to be addicted to that and when I threw it away I couldn't sleep without what do I do to get in a routine of sleeping 10pm to 6am and taking under an hour to fall asleep? thanks for answring!!

Someone help me find this font?

Maybe Sketch Block? a href="" rel="nofollow" not sure without seeing a sample.

Am i the only one that se's that obama has it harder then?

I think America needs to wake up and see how hard this man has it. NO, im not saying feel sorry for him cause im sure he doesn’t want you to feel sorry for him. But he has it harder then any presidential candidate ever has. Its already hard for any candidate to please everyone. So imagine being a black candidate. AS a black candidate if he leans to close to whites then he will get disowned by blacks. And vice versa. This is not what he wanted to deal with. He entered this race with attentions to change the policies and fix the government that Bush has messed up. And Americans cant seem to get past the things that do not matter. That man has been picked apart and dragged through the dirt for things he has no control over. The mans not a racist, the mans not a black elitist. It discust me to see Americans entertain the gossip in the media. People say he shouldn’t have sat in the church for 20 years and listened to rev wright......

Can anyone help me recreate/ locate a novelty Dalek cake from the late 1960's?

Our mam made it from a magazines instructions. It had a chocolate digestive base on top of that was a Swiss roll slice the body was cake mix covered in smarties and a chocolate covered marshmallow head with candy tabs sticking out. we had them for our brothers 7th birthday I think about 1968?

Does he owe me?

I stole some designer gear (Armani, Versace) and hoofed it out for a good price. Now the guy I sold it to says it's all fake and he wants his money back, which I've spent. Do you think that the guy I stole it from should pay at least half as it's his fault I'm in this fix?

Joints pop out of place, hurts very bad?

GO TO THE HOSPITAL! Why did you leave it this late! It is making the problem worse, go to A+E immediately and get it fixed!

How scary was Gothika?

I just saw The Haunting in Connecticut, thinking it would terrify the living crap out of me, and I was rather disappointed. Now I want to see Gothika, that horror movie with Halle Berry in it. Can anyone tell me if that was scarier than The Haunting in Connecticut?

Want to buy a rifle, and need input.?

go to the gun store and look for an old 303 brittish 8mm mauser or 30-06 or mosin nagant (in good condition). in the country store by my summer home i have seen old depndable effective working rifles for around 400 bucks average 500 high 300 low my first deer gun was bought in there when i just started hunting the rifle was an springfield 03" 30-06 rifle made in 1942 and yes this rifle was sent to germany and killed many enemy soldiers along with a couple of deer

If a man is cheating would he...?

Most people get angry when they are accused of doing something that they are not doing. As a man, I certainly would get angry if I were working hard and my wife didn't trust me and accused me of cheating. And if you really are having every day with him, why would he want to go elsewhere? If a man is getting top sirloin at home, there is no reason for him to go out for a hamburger, if you know what I mean.

Old Question, but good one. What are benefits of hemp??

I know this is repeated often, but seriously hemp has been used for 1000's of years beginning in ancient India. There has to be something to it. I think there has to be a difference between the commerically promoted and the naturally grown. I think the difference is maybe there is artificial tampering with the commercial variety as opposed to the natural high from the home grown. Any way, they say it is good for m.s. among other things. Also I think it depends on your moderation of it as well.

Any tricks to getting rid of kidney stones?

I found this for ya, I think i'll try it too. Good luck! a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Whats Eric Clapton's most blues-y album?

or best album in your opinion, no country please just ROCK with a good beat orrr BLUES, definateeely a blues-y rock, thansk!

Ummm how do i tell my mom to get me a bigger bra?

wellllllll, my birthday was yesterday but i slept through it (hahaha) because of testing that day. so i only got my laptop and a mouse for it. i kindaaaa snuck a peak at my step moms present and she got me a training bra and a padded bra. i kinda been weearing a padded bra thats a 34 a but havent told them. i wear a hoodie over my shirt then take it off at school. hahahaha. but i just tried on the bras she got me because my parents are at dinner but theyre a little small. theyre 30 a. she said im going to get my present at my party at boomers (south florida and CA thing) but i dont want to be like "oh, ummm, laurie? i need a bigger bra" also i do my own laundry so she doesnt knowww. ummm what can i tell her????? thanks!

What's the name of the taylor swift song?

it goes, "she wears short skirts, i wear t-shirts, she's cheer captain, and i'm on the bleachers, dreamin' 'bout the day when you wake up and find"

Should I get my eyes checked again?

Might as well go now since your gonna have to go sooner or later. Why wait, your vision could get worse if you are already getting slightly blurrier.

I need help figuring out the mood/feeling/meanings of this monologue: (I can tell it's a bit sarcastic)?

Puck is certainly sarcastic about Bottom and the other "rude mechanicals." But his attitude toward them doesn't define the tone of the entire speech. The first thing you need to think about is who Puck is talking to. And what does he want to communicate to that other character? Is he confessing a failure? Boasting about a success? If you read more of the scene, looking at what comes just before and just after this speech, you'll be better prepared to describe Puck's tone.

What does expunged mean exactly?

I was arrested in Jersey City, New Jersey and had it expunged. So does that mean I don't have a criminal record? Does that mean I'm still clean? From what I hear it means that a person has no criminal record at all. But I find that hard to believe. I got it expunged but it still worries me. My family tells me I shouldn't worry because I had it expunged and its like it never happened. It that true? How does it effect my life if its expunged? I know if I apply for a law enforcement job I have to tell my employer about it.

Any home remedies for prickly heat rash?

I don't have any skin conditions such as psoriasis or excema, and I don't have any skin allergies. It's definitely heat rash of some sort. I just get patches of itchy rashes during the summer when it's hot and humid. I have been China for for years and TCM hasn't helped much. Right now the best relief I can get is from taking a hot shower (to open the pores), covering my body with shampoo or other products containing menthol, waiting about five to ten minutes until my whole body tingles. After that I rinse with hot water again (to clean the products chemicals out of my pores), then a cold water rinse to close the pores and cool off. This is usually only temporary relief. I do sweat a lot (more than most people), so I take about three cold showers a day too cool off and clean out the pores. I do refrain from scratching (as I know it makes it worse) during waking hours, but during my sleep, I have involuntary scratching. I am really into alternative health and home remedies. Thanks

Help I think my chihuahua is spoiled?

I dont know what to do he is 14 wks old he is doing great with housebreaking but he only wants to be with me. He whines if i leave him alone and he follows me everywhere he barks if i ignore him and he refuses to walk outside on a leash. the leashe terrifies him ive tried even doing it at home but he doesnt move. He is obsesed with me and i dont know what to do can anyone help. Is this normal and whats up with all the licking and he only wants to be on my lap

Best drugstore make-up towelettes for sensitive skin?

So far the only ones that have worked for me are the Olay ones. My skin is very sensitive, almost anything gives me allergies or a rash :S. But the Olay ones are pretty soft.

Sometimes, is it best to just listen and not splatter the other person with what you really feel?

I when things just happen. Like when life just happens and you know you can't muster up enough courage to you just sit back and listen to what life says to you. Is that a bad thing? Because what if the things you here are actually pretty BAD in that sense of the world. But really, what can you do when there's just nothing left in you. Do you just let yourself go even though you know you'll eventually float down into a hallow, dark abyss?

Maybe the Patriots were NOT cheating, could Belechick needed the tapes for something else?

ROTFLMFAO....oh god thats funny, and its even funnier that i dont doubt it a bit, brady is clearly gay and im sure he dosent mind a dude filming him in the shower, the only thing wierd for brady might be the fact that most of the time when hes in the shower with another man the dude is directly behind him pounding his buns like a jackhammer, while he gives himself a reach around...lmao

Men: do u like girls wif piercings or not???

Some piercings are ok. I don't tend to like the ones above the eye or the ones through the nose. I also don't like ten piercings in an ear. Three is about the limit. A naval piercing can be y on some girls.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Need help with my orchid!?

Got a real beauty Cambria orchid for my birthday and it does have tiny redish/brown spots on the leaves. Not a lot , mostly on the end towards the tips on a new growing leaves. I would like to know what it might be, how to get rid of it or at least preventing it form spreading. Hope it won't kill my plant.

Quick, easy delicious meal-boneless skinless chicken?

Do you know any recipes for a meal that has boneless skinless chicken and does not involve frying? and is under 1 hour for preparation? It needs to have ingredients that are very common and likely to be in my kitchen. I am cooking for 4 people. Must be kid approved (and grownup approved) : )

Are rappers like Plies, and his song they actually take their lyrics seriously or?

most off all new rap is wack and fake just out there to make the man money if you want some good hip hop check out juric 5, old outkast, wu-tang, Del Tha Funky sapien, or nas

Has there been anyone in your family who toyed with paranormal and now have let in a demon that is evil?

I think it's more like bad karma as you might have criticize something not good from your past encounter of any paranormal scenario.

I failed the entrance exam in ust..what is the best thing to do??

well you can do this the best thing to do is relax,pray and,hope for the thing you want if they say study more study more if they say help your self help your self i wish you good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok final names! =) what do you think,...?

I love how you are using a family name in your choices. We did the same and wouldn't change it for the world! It's nice to honor our family through a name that really means something. :)

What is a minimum amout needed to open a non profit trust in India?

I wants to open a charitable trust on my late mother name.Where i can ful fill her wish to education for poor girls.And helps to marry them. I need a full imformation to open a trust.

Is anyone impressed with this Creationist's quote?

"Get it in your head, all the evidence you have regardless of the credibility the world igns to it, I will say it again in case you didn't understand, ALL the Evidence you have regardless of the credibility you and the world igns to it is a fabricated pseudo science, I reject it crucify it and destroy it and will do so with all do deliberate force."

How do you toggle an ipod?

my brother was ******* with my older ipod and then a screen came up. its white and on top says "ipod diagnostics" and it is dated aug 17 05. the light wont turn off and plugging it in doesnt work, how do i fix this?

Can a guinea Pig and a bird play safely together?

As long as the guinea pig does not try to hurt the dove, then they shall be good playmates. Keep an eye on them though. I doubt the bird is able to really hurt the guinea pig. Just keep an eye on them, all pets are different

Question 4 mobile hairdressers?

hi, im just starting out as a mobile hairdresser (struggling too)im still trying to build up my clientelle which im finding difficult, but im posting fliers and things so hopefully i will get busier. but what i wanted 2 ask really was about insurance, is there any one i should avoid and who is the cheapest, just because i cant afford to pay out tonnes every month if i only had like 1 client a week! did anyone else find it difficult starting out? xx

Does anyone think the upcoming movie The Wackness will be good.?

It was already released on July 3rd. That is a sick soundtrack tho, looks like a cool movie to watch tho.

Ok,Sylvia Banana-Hammock,stop your games!!!!?

ok.well i want to start a websohw. Its only me. And i will be doing that thing where I pause dress differently and play multiple roles. All i need are some ideas, One thing i may do is complain about everyday things. For example when you give somebody a compliment and they dont say thank you. Or speak about common awkward moments. Like when you walk outside and your pants zipper is open. But I also need comedy ideas, not the random,Icarly humor. But please count the fact that its only me, and i will be playing multiple roles. THANK YOU!

Does botox get rid of already existing wrinkles? or just prevent them from getting worse?

It paralyzes the muscles that the toxin gets on so that when you try to smile the muscles in your cheeks don't move, thus don't create folding of the skin, i.e. wrinkles.

How can I make my writing better?

Very good, it gave me chills. :] In the first sentence of the second paragraph, you use the word "voice" twice, and it sounds a little redundant. You may want to take te second one out and replace it with 'it' or something.

Trade Question. Looking to pick up Jonathan Stewart?

i don't think you need to trade, Stewart will one day if he stays healthy be a beast is the league, but this year he will not be, i don't see him being better than Addai this year, if your league is PPR, definitely don't trade Welker, i don't think you have enough depth at WR to make the trade especially if Marshall somehow ends ups in New York, i think he would hurt Cotchery

6th grade make up for girls?

i need a natural look 4 my lil sis thats movin 2 da 7th grade nxt year. she wants a look dat includes browns,tans,baiges,and light pinks dat look like a pink lemonade shimmer from bath and body works. she doesnt need any foundation stuff but u can still put sum foundation stuff if u want. plz include eye color,lip color,and blush colors. she doesnt want any bright colors but she does still want u 2 include dem bcz she goes 2 a lot of parties and stuff. she is african american but her skin looks like jordin sparks. and dis iz kinda funny but she looks a lot like her and shes only 10! she wears gles but she will get contacts in a few years so plz add eye color contacts 2! thnx and have a good day! (any 1 who tries 2 make my lil sis look like a tramp,ur answer will b deleted and if u put somethin mean or anything that wuld harm us or that iz ual u will b reported and b in big truble.) (yes i spelled a lot of wordz wierd but im 15 and i do dat if u havent noticed)

Brakes pedal will not give feedback or build pressure!!!! 97 mustang gt w/abs?

I just changed my fron brakes on my 1997 mustang gt convt. w/abs. I had to unbolt the calipers and such they lost all fluid. I then bled the front brakes, and then the back brakes for good measure. After I completed the last caliper I jumped in the car and pressed the brake pedal to the floor. I then bled the brakes again. I still don't have any "pedal". I did add fluid during the process. Also it will still stop, you just have to put it all the way to the floor. Also I have took four short trips in the vehicle and It seems like the brakes are slowy getting tighter. I am completly confused? any ideas. Oh, one other thing. I removed the brake line from the front drivers side caliper and no fluid came out. But after I "pumped up" the brakes and removed the brake line from the caliper fluid came out. It seemed to me like it just wasn't staying pressurized.

Error code P1113 on Opel Astra 2003?

i don't know the code but the guy who says MAF sensor is most probably right, they are common to go on vauxhall engines they don't cost too much

What player caught Brett favre's very first NFL completion?

Andre Rison. Oh you mean first regular season completion as a Packer... then he completed it to himself... 7 yard loss...

White skin around frenulum and foreskin, grateful for any answers?

There's a band of white skin around my foreskin, just under the glans, it goes right round to the frenulum, in one or two places, there are small white lumps, very small, and there's also a blister of some sort on the right side of my glans near the frenulum about half a centimetre or so long. It looks like it has liquid or something inside. Recently I've been putting on a cream used for athletes feet, and other fungal skin infections like Dhobi's Itch. The skin has gone darker a little, but it's still white, I am 17, but am too embarred to tell my nan who lives with me whose 63, 64. Help me guys please.

Anyone have a problem with unsolicited Mail from US Postal Service?

Imagine your post box only contains your bills or other that you solicited. A letter from MOM comes with a pile of advertising and I may very well not notice her letter. Problem anyone? luv ser

Do liberals think it is racist to buy a big, old plantation home in the South?

just using the words: Black, african american, asian, mexican, etc.. creates a racist thought in the liberals heads

What's the best way to practice to become a Linux server admin?

The easiest way is to install Linux on a home system, learn Linux and Linux Admin from an online training source (, e.g.) then use what you learn on your own system. You won't find anyone that's willing to let you use their system for guinea pig testing, so your best option is to use the one person who won't object - you.

Was fired 3 weeks ago today - filed unemployment - am a trucker?

was fired 3 weeks ago unjustly, filed unemployment in the state of Oklahoma, can i receive unemployment being fired? I do have proof if I need to show the unemployent agency that it was unjust. how long a wait for unemployment? I talked on the phone with them yesterday and they said I am still in a holding pattern so to speak! It is literally impossible in my area to go to the unemployment office as they have strict rules. They have me with no answers for 2 weeks now. ty 4 ur help p.s. i worked 24 years as a heavy hauler specalized trucker

Colorado Avalanche?

I love the Colorado Avalanche professional hockey team, but since Patrick Roy retired they havn't been doing so well. What do you think?

Are chinks showing in the armor of the Democrat political platform?

Despite the obsession of many big-name Democrat politicians (the Clintons, Ted Kennedy, Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Frank Lautenberg, Chris Dodd, etc. etc.) to further limit or do away with lawful privately held firearms, nearly all the states have ped concealed carry legislation in recent years, and now the states are ping "castle doctrine" legislation that protects lawful owners from prosecution and civil suits for defending themselves with lethal force against unlawful intruders. Can that happen without the agreement of many citizens who vote Democrat?

Please I need alot of help....ALOT of help?

Write to her (another note) saying how sorry you are. If she does not respond she is not your friend

Do you have a questioning nature?

Be it from religion, media, government, etc... whether you open up your mouth about something said or not do you sometimes say "What the F?" or something similar to yourself when someone in authority (Teacher, Preacher, Cop, Politico, etc...) says something that just does not sound right to you? Feel free to give examples if you wish~

What can a diabetic with hypertension take for a cold?

My mom has a very bad cough & hasn't slept in days. She does not have medical insurance so will not go to the doctor. Any suggestions?

Having a hard time figuring out what color of shoes for my bridesmaids.?

I like #2 better and in the ivory too!! I think that they are more elegant for a wedding. The first one is more of a business suit shoe. Its nice but it doesnt say wedding to me. Even though you are getting married in december and it might be cold (depending on where you live), I would go witht the second choice.

Did my ex-girlfriend cheat on me?

I was in jail but she said she would faithfully wait however long it would be, I said if there was any doubt she couldn't to just move on and maybe I'd look her up when I was free. She insisted she loved me and would wait. After almost 2yrs I was free and moved in with her. I started working 3 weeks later and from that time on she started accusing me of cheating, it was progressive a little more every week but it got so absurd I was sure she'd stop. It got to the point were I couldn't handle it said I would move I tried on multiple occasions to explain how her absurd accusations and her checking up on me was affecting how I treated her, she got so bad I didn't wanna talk to her.So after a few months of trying I had enough moved out.She admitted having with a few men when our relationship was only , but supposedly monogamous.Told that her non stop accusations about me means she cheated? Or is it a mental imbalance? The accusations were constant yet often so impossible you laughed