Sunday, January 15, 2012

How to deal with my extremely resentful 15 yo girl?

About 18 months ago she messed up, was hanging out with bad friends, did some bad stuff, got disrespectful, lied. We had to give a severe punishment. She apologized, said now she could understand she was wrong, promised to change. But I was very upset, hurt and even after the punishment it took me several months to trust her again. I told her flat out she'd have to regain my trust, this broke her spirit, she didn't expect that. I didn't know my trust was so important to her. She got in a deep depression, buy anyway I thought I should be firm, told her I understood how she felt but I needed actions, depression wouldn't solve the problem. She went to counseling, got out of her depression, but our relationship was destroyed. Se found teachers who gave her great proofs of trust, everybody says she's a wonderful girl and actually, now we're proud of her.She's everything parents want, but avoids me is extremely resentful. I tried talking to her, but she avoids me, says I hurt her.

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