Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Did my ex-girlfriend cheat on me?

I was in jail but she said she would faithfully wait however long it would be, I said if there was any doubt she couldn't to just move on and maybe I'd look her up when I was free. She insisted she loved me and would wait. After almost 2yrs I was free and moved in with her. I started working 3 weeks later and from that time on she started accusing me of cheating, it was progressive a little more every week but it got so absurd I was sure she'd stop. It got to the point were I couldn't handle it said I would move I tried on multiple occasions to explain how her absurd accusations and her checking up on me was affecting how I treated her, she got so bad I didn't wanna talk to her.So after a few months of trying I had enough moved out.She admitted having with a few men when our relationship was only , but supposedly monogamous.Told that her non stop accusations about me means she cheated? Or is it a mental imbalance? The accusations were constant yet often so impossible you laughed

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