Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My mom is nagging and being really rude...I'm 21 how can I stop her from invading every inch of my life?

My mom had been nagging me non stop lately. I'm 21 and I still live at home, but I pay my own bills, I bought my own car, I'm paying for college on my own and I work 2 jobs. Although she is a good mom she is driving me insane. Nothing I do is ever right, If I'm stressed she yells at me even more, she thinks she can control my dating life (when she hasn't even met the guy I'm seeing) and she constantly nags me to eat or take my vitamins or clean my room! I'm 21 years old, when will this stop? I am planning on moving out soon and she always makes snide remarks like "oh yeah we'll be laughing when you can't pay rent and will be starving." or "good luck doing that on your own." I don't get it. She takes everything personally and gets so pissed off that I'm never home but I go to school and work two jobs!!!!

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