Friday, January 20, 2012

Should I F@%k him over for everything he's done to me?

I have been in a 13 year relationship with my boyfriend & we have 3 kids together. Eric has always been abusive & has pretty much done whatever he's wanted throughout our relationship. He's gone to jail a few times & i've always stood by him & tried to make him better. Well recently he's started abusing me in fron of our kids (today, yesterday & friday) & I can't take it any more nor do I want to. I am afraid to call the police because I don't want them to take my kids away since they've seen the abuse. I am going down to the welfare office tomorrow (i am a stay at home mom & he's the sole provider) to see what kind of help I can get. I know I have to leave but I am scared & I know when I do I have to take everything in one swoop because he's going to flip. He left after hitting me 5 times in the head today but I know he'll be back. Also recently he has not come home 3 out of the 5 nights this week. I think he's cheating but he swears he's not (not that it really matters at this point but I would still like to know) Also our cell phones are in my name so I looked online at our activity & he's been watching on his phone, I am super grossed out by this & it really bothers me. Well there's lots of story in between but that's the jist of it. He's currently on probation & I wanna call his probation officer & tell him all he's been up to, should I or should I just leave it alone get all the money I can out of him & make a break? Please help!!!!!!!!

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