Sunday, January 15, 2012

Why am I dreaming about my ex-boyfriend?

So, it's pretty devastating for me. My boyfriend and I broke up a year ago this week, he cheated on me and lied to me. and since I've moved on. I have a new boyfriend, he's friends with my ex but the rarely talk. I've been severely depressed for the past 2 years. My ex hated it, I stopped cutting for him, then started again once we broke up. Our relationship lasted 6months. Which is quite long seeing as I'm only 16 now. I'm freaking out because I keep dreaming of him. The dreams meant nothing until last night. See I got drunk last weekend and cut, it was so deep it took 5hours to finally stop bleeding, even then it split open every hour for the next 3 days. Anyways last night I dreamy about him, I hated him to start with, then throughout the dream I started to remember why I fell for him. Near the end of the dream, we were lying on the lawn after all the chaos in the dream, and I had a video camera, and as I held it up he saw my scars, and he said " beth, no not again". I covered my arms, he lifted my sleeves and kissed each of my scars. Then I just smiled and faced the camera to him, he said " I'm sorry beth, I love you" the funny part was no matter how stupid it sounded, I thought about it, I turn d the camera to me and said I love you too. Then I woke up. I looked down at my arm at my scars they're almost gone. Amazed I forced my self to go back to sleep, and he was there again, I kept wanting to talk to him, I needed to talk to him but his friends kept saying I. Wasn't good enough for him, and never let me talk to him. I woke up again. And now I'm freaking out, crying over him again... I don't know what's going on, or what to do?? Help please???

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