Thursday, January 12, 2012

Am i the only one that se's that obama has it harder then?

I think America needs to wake up and see how hard this man has it. NO, im not saying feel sorry for him cause im sure he doesn’t want you to feel sorry for him. But he has it harder then any presidential candidate ever has. Its already hard for any candidate to please everyone. So imagine being a black candidate. AS a black candidate if he leans to close to whites then he will get disowned by blacks. And vice versa. This is not what he wanted to deal with. He entered this race with attentions to change the policies and fix the government that Bush has messed up. And Americans cant seem to get past the things that do not matter. That man has been picked apart and dragged through the dirt for things he has no control over. The mans not a racist, the mans not a black elitist. It discust me to see Americans entertain the gossip in the media. People say he shouldn’t have sat in the church for 20 years and listened to rev wright......

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